About Sandra

My name is Sandra Korse and I have been guided for years now by the phrase: “Joy can change the world.”

This sentence accelerated my own awakening journey. I started to investigate. What does joy mean? What brings me joy? And what change do I want to see in the world? Or above all: in my own world?

It turned into a challenging journey into the depths of my own being. With highs and lows. It also led to the decision to go back to school at the age of 40 and study cinematography. A choice that I could never have made from the mind, but one that completely changed my life.

I have made three documentaries and learned that I am an intuitive filmmaker. I love in-depth, soulful interviews. And I always choose to fully immerse myself in the experience that I’m capturing. That’s intense and challenging, but always full of magic. It is precisely these intense experiences that give my films the depth that I’d like to share and the ability to touch the soul. And that’s what makes me very happy. My joy 🙂.

In short, the phrase ‘joy can change the world’ has completely changed my own world. I have been able to overcome many of my fears, I can hear my inner voice again, and it feels I am on the right track to do what I came here to do.

With my creations I intend to inspire people to make more conscious choices, to choose love more often and to see the beauty on our planet. Actually to make people see through my joyful, loving eyes and be touched by the beauty of life.

Sandra Korse

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